[l2h] Wrong TITLEs in frames' *_tf.html files, any fix available?

Uli Wortmann Uli Wortmann <uliw@erdw.ethz.ch>
Mon, 17 May 1999 08:45:19 +0200

Hi everebody,

    Ross> The problem is just a little deeper than this.  The variable
    Ross> $indexname is never defined, anywhere!  It occurs for
    Ross> frame-documents with an Index-view, and also (erroneously,
    Ross> as you say) for those with a Contents-view.

    Ross> The real question is: What should these frameset pages be
    Ross> TITLEd ?

what about having the title to state what the frame is about, or to
have the url of content_view?  In practice it happens e.g. that the
bot indexes file_ct.html (if he does at all). If a user follows this
link from a search engine, he will end up on the desired page, however
without any navigation facilities, or any means to see the structure
of the document.

There are several approaches to resolve this problem. E.g., we might
put the needed information in the Title attribute like

a) Contents Frame of http://.../file_tf.html

b) Provide a link in any frame to the current tf_frame

c) Have tables instead of frames, which provides simple means of
avoiding all this (no offence here Ross ;-)


	Uli Wortmann
	Dept. of Geology       Fax (Switzerland) (1) 632  1080
	ETH-Zuerich            Fon                        3694
        Visit the SPOC-team at http://www.spoc.ethz.ch