[l2h] No more 'Remove's please.

Ross MOORE Ross MOORE <ross@mpce.mq.edu.au>
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 19:34:58 +1100 (EST)

This discussion list has just undergone a dramatic change;
it's now at  latex2html@tug.org ,
thanks to the TeX User Group (TUG) stepping in,
where Argonne decided that they had no interest in continuing
the service which thay have been generously providing for many years. 

Thank you Argonne, and thank you TUG.

But in the change-over, a spammer got a message through.
Hopefully that won't happen again.

Wake-up to the spammer's tactics:

He sent a single message to a public list,
not knowing who receives from that list.

By replying to the 'REMOVE' request,
you are *giving* him/her the knowledge of a valid email address.

Rather than removing yourself from his list 
--- which originally never existed anyway ---
you are *adding* to his list,
which he may try to sell to other ruthless advertisers.

There is no free $2 million to be had,
but there may be a few hundred for him if he catches enough replies.

So in future, please just totally ignore spurious messages
of the kind we got earlier this week.

...or, if you do choose to reply, then *please* make sure
the reply is not made to the whole list.

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore