Good to go

Betty Armstrong latex2html
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:23:18 -0800 (PST)


Are you Art Ogawa of phyzzx fame?

You may be interested to know that here at LBL there are still some
diehard phyzzx users!  I only use it myself when I am working on other
people's junk and they start with it.

Mostly I use Frank Paige's TeXsis -- are you familiar with it?

I have another question

Do you know how to incorporate bitmapped .eps figures made from 
Photoshop into TeX files?



     Betty Armstrong -- Particle Data Group, LBL, 50-308, Berkeley, CA 94720
     Email: -- Phone: (510)-486-4724 -- Fax: (510)-486-4799
     Home Page:

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Arthur Ogawa wrote:

> This mail list should now be ready to use.