[l2h] Re: Some remarks about Latex2html

Alois Steindl Alois Steindl <asteindl@mch2ws2.tuwien.ac.at>
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 15:16:08 +0200

thanks for your quick and informative answer!

I just carried out the test on a Redhat 5.2 PC with perl5.004.? and
with perl5.00502. The first one succeeded, while the latter failed as
before on my PC. If you are interested, I could supply the input and

It is of course impossible to list all working (or failing) OS-perl-or
whatever combinations. Maybe there should be some hint in the FAQ,
that the used version of perl could be the reason for trouble. 

Best regards

Alois Steindl