[l2h] File names

Bek Oberin Bek Oberin <gossamer@tertius.net.au>
Thu, 1 Jul 1999 09:32:10 +1000

Bruce R Miller wrote:
> On Jun 13,  8:26pm, Bek Oberin wrote:
> > <secnumber>-filename
> > <secnumber>.<subsecnumber>-filename
> It would be nice to be able to directly get to structural information about
> the document, but currently the only way I know of is to force the titles
> to include the section numbers in themb by

Trouble is, that even with show-secnumb-whatever-the-var-is it
doesn't show the WHOLE section number:

     * 1. Introduction
          + 1. Course outline
          + 2. Platform and version details
          + 3. The course notes
          + 4. Other materials
     * 2. What is Perl
          + 1. Typical uses of Perl
               o 1. Text processing

So I just get names like "1.courseoutline.html" when I want it
to be "1.1.courseoutline.html".


: --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Queer-Disabled-Boychick--
: gossamer@tertius.net.au   http://www.tertius.net.au/~gossamer/
: We hate the kindness which we understand.
: -- Henry David Thoreau