[l2h] graphicx, EPS and latex2html
Ross MOORE <ross@ics.mq.edu.au>
Sat, 28 Aug 1999 08:45:22 +1000 (EST)
> On Thu, 26 Aug 1999 08:36:41 +1000 (EST), you wrote:
> >No, grey is never used instead of white.
> >It *is* used instead of transparent, or "no colour",
> >which can cause the effects that you observe.
> I see.
> >If you \usepackage{color} and \pagecolor{white} then you will
> >get a white background,
> This works. Thanks.
> >Hope this helps,
> Very much, thanks.
> However: Might I generally be better off by putting a white rectangle
> on the bottom layer of my .eps files?
Quite possibly.
It would depend on the contents of the graphics as to whether this
is a good thing to do.
If a white background is always intended, then this should be
encoded into the graphic IMHO, else it isn't truly *encapsulated*,
is it ?
Another advantage of doing this is that you can decide to true
%%BoundingBox extents, rather than having the application calculate
the minimal rectangle surrounding all the other objects.
Ross Moore
> Greetings
> Marc
> --
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