[l2h] Re: frames

Ross MOORE Ross MOORE <ross@mpce.mq.edu.au>
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 15:26:46 +1000 (EST)

> It does get created automatically IF one includes a table of
> contents. 

OK, thanks for the tip.
Of course there should be no need for  fhelp.html  unless the document
uses either the `Contents' view or the `Index' view.

A 1-line insert should fix the problem when neither view is required:

Within  $LATEX2HTMLDIR/versions/frame.pl  make an edit:

sub make_frame_help {
    if (!($idxfile || $tocfile)||$NO_FRAME_HELP) {
	$help_file_done = 1;
	$NO_FRAME_HELP = 1;  # <----- insert this line .

Ensuring that $NO_FRAME_HELP is set will prevent the entry
on Frameset pages that would create a link to  fhelp.html .

Sorry for the error;
at least it's a simple fix.

> > > That is supposed to get created automatically.
> > 
> > Ross, I've also noticed that latex2html doesn't create fhelp.html when
> > I use frames.
> > 
> > -Dave
> > 

	Hope this helps,

		Ross Moore