[l2h] Re: frames

Ross MOORE Ross MOORE <ross@mpce.mq.edu.au>
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 18:32:10 +1000 (EST)

Erling D. Andersen wrote:

>I would like to use the frames option in L2H, but has some difficulties
>in figuring out how to do it. I cannot find any manual info. 

No, there isn't any yet
--- that's why the documentation says v99.1(beta).

>Therefore, I wonder if somebody would mail me their raw LaTex code
>using the frames options, so I can see how to do it.

It isn't special LaTeX code that invokes frames;
it is a command-line switch:

    latex2html -html_version 4.0,frame   myfile.tex

Customisation is possible using Perl variables in the  .latex2html-init  file.

For a useful example of frames with a scientific paper,
have a look at:


The source and init-file are:


> PS. I also have problem fhelp.html is missing.
That is supposed to get created automatically.

Hope this helps,
	Ross Moore