[ho-tex] ctan upload problem (oberdiek bundle)?

Gerd Neugebauer gene at gerd-neugebauer.de
Thu Jan 25 15:36:41 CET 2018

> On 25 January 2018 at 15:12 David Carlisle <d.p.carlisle at gmail.com> wrote: 

> I forgot to show the "show all fields" version (attached)

Thank you for the information. I do not see anything unusual.
The error logs also do not indicate that something unusual has happened.
Your upload has not made it into our incoming directory nor into the database.

The red labes are normal. They are indicating mandatory fields.
The reset of the upload file is a feature of the browsers.
The progress bar indicates that the client-side validations have been passed and the archive is uploaded to the server for server-side validations and saving. If something has failed there some messages from the server should have been displayed.

I will have to look into it more closely this evening...I will keep you informed.


Sorry for any convenience.

(webmaster at ctan.org)

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