[fptex] Re: fptex Digest, Vol 28, Issue 1

math mhb mathmhb at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 17:49:42 CET 2006


1. For Type 1 fonts, some configurations are needed. You should first
check whether the font files px*.pfb,px*.tfm;px*.vf are in the proper
positions and make sure that TeX can search these files. Try command
'kpsewhich file' to ensure this. Then you should also check that the
font mapping configurations for pxfonts are ok. The details are
somewhat complex, so please consult in manuals or documents in your
system or Google from the internet. When all is ok, windvi will call
'mktexpk' command to generate the pixel fonts needed when necessary.
So you can try this command to generate the missing fonts manually; if
it is ok, then congratulations! Otherwise there must be something
wrong in the configurations. You should type the commands in a DOS
prompt in general.

2. Windvi can make inverse search, however it can't do forward search.
To make inverse search work well, you should create a file
'emacsclient.bat' to invoke winedt properly. This file can contain the
following lines:

@echo off
start %Editor% "[Open('%2');SelPar(%1,1)]"

Then you should put this file in a directory where it can be found
from the PATH environment. After you do this, you should be able to
invoke reverse search by "Shift+mouse right button". To make this
work, note that you must compile your tex files with command line
option "-src" or include the package "srcltx" in your tex files.

Good luck!

2006/1/26, fptex-request at tug.org <fptex-request at tug.org>:
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Windvi and pxfonts (Hooman)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 01:16:37 -0500
> From: Hooman <hooman.javidnia at gmail.com>
> Subject: [fptex] Windvi and pxfonts
> To: fptex at tug.org
> Message-ID:
> 	<78853a990601252216l4776a438n2e52eb54a54d2345 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi,
> I am new to fpTeX. I just downloaded the TeXLive CD today and replaced
> my MikTeX with TeXLive2005. I compiled some of my previous files and I
> was very happy to see that they worked just fine. There were couple of
> problems though:
> 1. In some of my documents I have used \usepackage{pxfonts}. I know
> that this is a Type 1 font and Windvi should be able to create the
> fonts, but I recieve a message which says "Fatal Error: Not all pixel
> files were found." I have installed TeXLive in full version and I
> already had Ghostscript on my computer.
> 2. Also I couldn't find a way to implement forward and inverse
> searches in WinEdt and Windvi. Is there any way to make forward and
> inverse search work on this Windvi?
> I would appreciate any comments and solutions. I have been using LaTeX
> for 3 years but I don't know much about the technical detail of TeX.
> Cheers,
> Hooman
> --
> Hooman Javidnia
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> End of fptex Digest, Vol 28, Issue 1
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Best regards,

Hongbin Ma

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