[fptex] Problem with bibtex8

José Carlos Santos jcsantos at fc.up.pt
Fri Apr 15 23:16:57 CEST 2005

Hi all,

I have a latex file called test.tex, which uses a .bib file. If I run

latex test
bibtex test

all goes well. However, if I run

bibtex8 -c 88591lat test

then I get this:

Error: cannot open CS file: 88591lat.csf
The top-level auxiliary file: test.aux
I couldn't open style file plain.bst
---line 3 of file test.aux
  : \bibstyle{plain
  :                }
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file test.aux

This is rather strang. The file 88591lat.csf is actually on my machine,
at \TeXLive\texmf\bibtex\csf\, but even if a put a copy of it at the
same directory which contains the test.tex file, I get the same error
message. Furthermore, I do not understand why do I get "I couldn't open
style file plain.bst", since bibtex also uses the file plain.bst and it
doesn't give this error message.

Any ideas?

I've put a copy of the files test.tex and biblio.bib at the end of this

Best regards,

Jose Carlos Santos

---------------------------- test.tex ----------------------------

--------------------------- biblio.bib ---------------------------
author = "W. Rudin",
title = "Principles of Mathematical Analysis",
publisher = "McGraw-Hill",
year = 1976,
edition = "3\textsuperscript {rd}"}

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