[fptex] Virus going around???????

Fabrice Popineau Fabrice.Popineau at supelec.fr
Sat Mar 6 14:42:06 CET 2004

> Once started this program tries to open in Internet connection (which
> on my computer - my luck - must be confirmed) and after cancelling the
> dialin-process evidently runs for a long time (looking for what? As a
> guess: for the address file of WIN98-Outlook - which happenly I don't
> use)

> I could not find any damage and it seems I got rid of the problem
> (looking up which program were started automatically when switching
> the computer ON and deleting the strange one), but only time will show
> if I was lucky.

It is very unfortunate that these messages got through mailing-lists
so easily. I also got hundreds (thousands ?) of copies of those messages
in a week. Some messages even with me as the (apparent!) sender and
recipient. And so did other people (Sebastian Rahtz, Olaf Weber).

This is a big annoyance, but that seems difficult to get rid of it. So
be prepare to other flooding like this in the future.


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