[fptex] Cannot display PS files in WinDVI

Ivailo Stoyanov istoyanov at freenet.de
Fri Jan 9 12:54:29 CET 2004

Dear Fabrice,

I've found an earlier thread that describes exactly the problem I currenlty have with displaying PS figures in WinDVI (0.67.3) (http://www.tug.org/pipermail/fptex/2003-February/001283.html), and the proposed solution:

[fptex] Cannot display EPS file in WinDVI
Fabrice Popineau Fabrice.Popineau at supelec.fr
Fri Feb 28 12:14:01 CET 2003

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> Dear all, I cannot display eps figures in my WinDVI. Can anyone help
> me out on this? Many thanks in advance.

You need to install ghostscript using the ghostscript installer.
If you are running the latest texlive/fptex version, then you have
a kpsecheck tool reporting about ghotscript :

c:\>kpsecheck --ghost

tell me what it is reporting.

If you are running GS8.00, then you need to upgrade windvi to 0.67.3
available from ftp://ftp.dante.de/pub/fptex/standalone.


But I am running GS 7.07 as included in fptex and I wonder if I have to downgrade WinDVI in order to see the included PS graphics prpoerly?!

Could this be the solution of the problem?

All the best,

PS. Let everyone enjoy a happy and sucessful new year!!!

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