[fptex] fptex 07 ispell

Jørgen Larsen jl at dirac.ruc.dk
Mon Oct 27 14:29:25 CET 2003

I have just tried using the ispell that comes with the fptex 0.7
It seems that it has a built-in path to its dictionaries library:
c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/ispell
but I need a different path.

Using the -d option seems to have no effect:
Commands such as
ispell test.tex
ispell -d english test.tex
ispell -d g:\tex\texmf\ispell\english test.tex
ispell -d g:/tex/texmf/ispell/english test.tex
all give the same result:
"Can't open c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/ispell/english"

How do I tell ispell which dictionary directory to use?

Jørgen Larsen

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