[fptex] xemacs

Rolf Dieterich Rolf.Dieterich at gmx.de
Fri Nov 7 14:01:33 CET 2003

I also had this problem on a Windows NT 4.0 SP 6a notebook where shell32.dll
has a version number 4.0.

The "shell enhancements" (with shell32.dll of version 4.71) are installed
with IE 4.0. They are NOT installed with IE 5.5 oder IE 6. Maybe it's possible
to customize your IE installtion with the IEAK (Internet Explorer
Administration Kit) to incorporate this update.

Sometimes you read "this application/DLL function requires IE 4.0 or above"
(even in the MSDN Library). If this means it requires the shell enhancements
then it's still not sufficient if you have NT 4.0 with the newest IE version
but have never ever installed IE 4.0 before!

xemacs doesn't seem to be programmed robust enough in this regard. It could
at least check the version of shell32.dll or it could be "feature-based"
programmed (if SHEmptyRecycleBinA or other "new" DLL functions are not available
then another approach for doing the task has to be used).


> When I try to start the win32 xemacs on texlive8 it fails with an
> `Entry Point Not Found' message:
>   The procedure entry point SHEmptyRecycleBinA could not be located
>   in the dynamic link library SHELL32.dll.
> Quickview confirms that the entrypoint really isn't there.
> The Windows version is NT SP6 (or 6a?). Installing IE6 doesn't help;
> borrowing shell32.dll from win2000 makes the system unbootable.
> A standalone xemacs freshly downloaded from xemacs.org didn't have
> this problem.
> I am not a Windows user myself, but sometimes help and advise
> Windows TeX users, and would therefore like to have a look at the
> tl8 xemacs interface, preferably without having to install win2000.
> If this is reproducible by others, then is it going to be fixed in
> an update? Meanwhile, I would be grateful for some advise how to
> run tl8, preferably off the cd, using the standalone xemacs.
> -- 
> Siep Kroonenberg
> siepo at cybercomm.nl
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