[fptex] problem with setup program installing fptex

Fabrice Popineau Fabrice.Popineau at supelec.fr
Wed May 21 15:47:24 CEST 2003

Alan>  While running the installation/setup for fptex with downloaded
Alan>  .zip files I received the following: 
The file `language.sw.dat' has been added to `language.dat'
The file `language.us' has been added to `language.dat'
The file `N:\WIN32\TEX\FPTEX06\texmf-var\tex\generic\config\language.dat' has 
been built and written.
Warning: Found this conflicting program : 
Warning: Found this conflicting program : N:\WIN32\TEX\FPTEX05\BIN\WIN32\mf.exe
Warning: you have conflicting programs in your PATH. Please, consider editing
your PATH to avoid running the wrong program.
Setting temporarily PATH = 
Setting temporarily TEXMFCNF = N:\WIN32\TEX\FPTEX06\texmf-var\web2c
Setting temporarily TEXMFMAIN = N:\WIN32\TEX\FPTEX06\texmf
Running N:\WIN32\TEX\FPTEX06

Fatal error:
Cannot run the external command : N:\WIN32\TEX\FPTEX06
Error: Configuration error flagged!

Alan>  Clearly I need to modify my path so that it doesn't see the
Alan>  existing 0.5 version, but it is not clear what I do next to
Alan>  continue the setup procedure. There did not seem to be any
Alan>  instructions on the web site and the help within the setup
Alan>  program told me to see the installer guide that was not yet
Alan>  installed or available. Notice that even after it set temporary
Alan>  variables it then tried to run Running N:\WIN32\TEX\FPTEX06
Alan>  which is a subdirectory not a program. So I'm not sure if there
Alan>  is an issue with the setup program or how to proceed.

Alan>  Please advise, 

I wonder if I ever answered this message (my gnus marks say I didn't).
There are 2 points :
- conflicting programs in the path : this is not a problem, the new path
will mask the old one.
- you hit a TeXSetup bug I have not been able to identify up to
now. Sometimes it fails to create the actual name of the command to run,
that's why it is reporting that executing some directory failed (which
is expected!).


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