[fptex] pdftricks

Michael Hallgren m.hallgren at free.fr
Wed Jun 11 14:15:38 CEST 2003


I am generally using the emp package for pdf[la]tex inclusion
(on the fly -- shell_escape t) of metapost figures, without any

Now, I am attemting to use the pdftricks package. However, it
appears that the shell_escape test done in pdftricks does not

...well, it does work on my FreeBSD system, but fails on my Windows
box running fpTeX:

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-1.00b-pretest-20020211 (Web2c 7.3.7x)
(format=pdflatex 2003.3.10)  11 JUN 2003 12:54
\write18 enabled.
Package: pdftricks 2001/09/30 1.15 psTricks support in PDF (CVRACL)

Package pdftricks Warning: ****************************************
(pdftricks)                Package pdftricks v,1.15 loaded
(pdftricks)                [psTricks support in PDF (CVR, ACL)]
system(touch /tmp/w18-test-2003611774)...executed.

Package pdftricks Warning: ****************************************
(pdftricks)                No \write 18 capability.
(pdftricks)                You'll have to run a script by yourself!
(pdftricks)                ****************************************.
\openout3 = `tricks-fig1.tex'.

Package pdftricks Warning: ******************************************
(pdftricks)                Some PDF files of images were not found.
(pdftricks)                Run the script `pst2pdf' before the next
(pdftricks)                run of pdfLaTeX
(pdftricks)                ******************************************.

It looks like pdftricks is attempting to touch into a hardcoded /tmp
(that happens to be around on UNIX systems):

\immediate\write18{touch \tmpfile}

Is there someplace a Windows version around? (I'm constrained to use Windows
in part of my working environment.)



Michael Hallgren, http://m.hallgren.free.fr/, mh2198-ripe

Why get even? Get odd!

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