[fptex] XemTeX

Ross Darnell r.darnell at uq.edu.au
Fri Dec 5 00:54:35 CET 2003

I have installed TexLive and the XemTeX bundle onto a PC running Windows 2000.

XEmacs version 21.5 runs but many functions fail with the following backtrace
(this results from trying to open a file in dired)

Signaling: (void-variable locale)
  signal(void-variable (locale))
  byte-code("..." [buf data kill-buffer signal] 3)
  find-file-noselect("c:\\Documents and Settings\\rdarnell\\talk.tex" nil nil nil)
  find-file("c:\\Documents and Settings\\rdarnell\\talk.tex" nil)

Can someone help with this problem (locale variable?).


Ross Darnell

University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4067 AUSTRALIA
Email: <r.darnell at uq.edu.au>

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