[fptex] Problems with fonts?

Staszek Wawrykiewicz StaW@guests.ipipan.gda.pl
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 05:55:47 +0200 (CEST)

Erik Meijering <meijering@imagescience.org> wrote on Mon, 21 Oct 2002:
> what should I do to get a proper PDF file of my PS file when
> using Adobe's Distiller? It complains it can't find the Palatino-Roman,
> -Italic, and -Bold fonts, and uses a substitution font instead...
then on Wed, 23 Oct he wrote:
> However, when I analyze the PS file I find that only CMSY10, CMR10, and
> PazoMath are actually defined in that file. The other (Palatino) fonts
> are left for the viewer or printer to find.

1. using dvips the resulting PS file doesn't contain by default
35 standard Adobe fonts as psfonts.map has such declaration:
pplr8r Palatino-Roman "TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont" <8r.enc

[You can expect soon some changes to updmap program which would allow to 
switch to always download those standard fonts, but even now you can try
  dvips -Pdownload35 file.dvi -o file.ps
the resulting PS file will contain all fonts]

[I don't have at the moment Adobe's Distiller, but it is strange that
it cannot understand Palatino-Roman directives from PS file, etc.
You should have Adobe's softfonts for Palatino, but it is problem
of Distiler installation]

2. why not trying `pdflatex file.tex' to get .pdf file?
pdftex.map has such declaration:
pplr8r URWPalladioL-Roma "TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont" <8r.enc <uplr8a.pfb
so the font is embeded into resulting PDF file.
Observe that for TeX it is always pplr8r font.

3. there is another method of conversion from PS to PDF -- using GhostScript
[path]\gswin32c.exe -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=file.pdf file.ps

> So first I thought these would be the correct names for the pfb files,
> but renaming the URW fonts like this (and rebuilding the ls-R files)
> doesn't change anything.

It is not a problem of renaming files... but reading carefully 
the documentations and being patient ;-)

> I also noticed that mathpazo.sty says things like
> "\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ppl}". Does this mean that the fonts should
> be renamed to "ppl-something"?

No! See above...

Ps. I know that all that mess with fonts, encodings, substitutions, map 
files, etc. is rather complicated. So keep crossed fingers...

Staszek Wawrykiewicz
email: staw@gust.org.pl