[fptex] TeXSetup and net

Staszek Wawrykiewicz StaW@gust.org.pl
Fri, 26 Jan 2001 05:05:38 +0100 (MET)

Fabrice Popineau wrote on 24 Jan 2001:

> Please try the fixed TeXSetup-1.0.7.exe (no need to burn a new cd, the
> `--source-directory' option should be ok by now).

Yes, it works well. Many thanks. 
As usual, I played a little with it.
1. Basic installation -- OK. Some notes: we have at *this* level 
   tex/generic/ruhyphen/ -- hardly usable without fonts, macros etc. I hope
   doc/html/e-tex/       -- but without e-tex
   tex/latex/latex3/  ?? -- perhaps tex/latex/hyperref would be better

2. Add TeX package:
   pdftex  -- OK, but only texmf part, without binaries. Should I select
              also systems-win32 while adding some parts? It is complicated
              to explain to anybody, I know...
   psutils -- only man, texmf/doc/ and texmf/dvips/ parts, without 
              binaries, even if they are declared in psutils.tpm.
              Ahhh, I found, they are missing in setupw32/psutils.zip 
              but exist in zip/psutils.zip
   some other packages from zip/ or full/ -- perfectly installed!
As I've heard, many Windows users are curious about man pages installed.
It is so rare case on such platform... Instead there is standalone,
*small* info.exe reader, and I think info pages would be more welcome,
since they are more complete. What do you think?
Or perhaps, texmf/doc/manpages/*.dvi and texmf/doc/html/manpages/
would be enought?

Thanks a lot,

Staszek Wawrykiewicz
email: staw@gust.org.pl