$,$$ and tex4ht

Fabrice Popineau Fabrice.Popineau@supelec.fr
29 May 2000 22:02:54 +0200

* Gillard Roland <roland.gillard@ujf-grenoble.fr> writes:

> Hi, I am using tex4ht and I wish to have picture for my math
> formulas but tex4ht uses \(a+b\) instead of $a+b$ and \[a+b\]
> instead of $$a+b$$.  Is anybody aware of a program or a script doing
> the substitutions $$a+b$$ ->\[a+b\] and $a+b$ ->(\a+b\)

No need of a program or whatever. TeX4ht is highly configurable, so
all you have to do is to build add some commands in a .cfg file for
example :


and you will get pictures for your maths.
