fptex-0.4 and internet stuff warning

Fabrice Popineau Fabrice.Popineau@supelec.fr
16 Jul 2000 22:37:36 +0200

Some of you may know that I have added a nice feature to the texsetup
program, namely the ability to download things from the internet.

There were 2 reasons to do so:
- some packages are not free and couldn't be put on the texlive 5 cd,
- it is nice to be able to update his own installation from the

But doing so in the standard Microsoft way turned out to be a
nightmare for people running Win95. I'm afraid it is a bit late to
completely solve the issue for fptex-0.4 . I have provided a
workaround with the wintdist.exe file that should be run _only if you
have an old win95, and you do not have IE3.02 or later_. This file
upgrades system dll to the ones in IE3.02, but it really only a
workaround (only a few dlls are updated).

The real solution for fptex-0.4 si : upgrade your system to IE4.0 or
later. Don't forget that half of your system is in the dlls of
internet explorer. You gain a newer system in doing so. And IE5.0 is
quite nice.

The other solution is to switch  from Microsoft programming to libwww,
but that's more work to me, and I need to look at it to be sure I will
not find other problems. If it turns to be easy enough, I might switch
to  it because all the stuff   to download and  install packages could
then be portable to unix. But it will be  only for the next release of

Fabrice Popineau