fptex-0.4 beta1

Fabrice Popineau Fabrice.Popineau@supelec.fr
13 Jul 2000 12:36:17 +0200


Now that TeXLive 5 is done, it is time for me to package
fptex-0.4. This is almost ready. However, it is huge.

You need :

under which you will find :

TeXSetup.exe		The setup program
tpm/			The packages description files
zip/			The level 1 and level 2 packages of TeXLive
setupw32/		Updates for older win9x systems and dlls, 
			plus supplementary free packages (netpbm,
			emacs, pfe, winshell, texshell)

It is almost 100Mb. You can ommit 15Mb from setupw32/emacs206.zip if
you want. In fact you can ommit many things and download only
TeXSetup.exe and the tpm/ directory. Missing things should be
downloaded from the net or the program will silently fail to install

The level 3 packages of the TeXLive are available from the texsetup
program provided you have an active internet connection and my web
site is up !

More on this after the week end: I hope to be able to put up new web
pages to describe the installation process.

I do not intend to change the zip files, but only fix bugs in the
setup program, so if you take the pain to download the zip files,
it won't be lost.

The easiest way to down load this is probably using wget (or getrigth
or whatever gui tool) :

c:\>wget -t 0 -r -m -nH -np --cut-dirs=3 ftp://ftp.ese-metz.fr/pub/tex/win32-beta/fptex-0.4-beta1

wget.exe is available from

A newer version of the installer might be able to check if there is a
more recent version of some package and offer to download it.

Please report as much as you can about success or failure. There is an
extensive log file generated by texsetup. In case  you want to send it
to me, please zip it before !

Have fun,

Fabrice Popineau