[fptex] List of tables

Gerald.Jean@spgdag.ca Gerald.Jean@spgdag.ca
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 15:28:11 -0500

Hi there,

I am new to fptex.  I composed a small document with a couple chapters and
a few tables; everything looks OK with the exception of the list of tables,
although I have \listoftables command right after the \tableofcontents
command nothing shows up under the "Liste des Tableaux" heading (I am using
babel french).  Furthermore the "Table des matières" lists only chapter,
not the sections and / or subsections.

The files "myfile.toc", "myfile.lot" get created, I do run Latex two times
but nothing shows up, any ideas?


Gérald Jean
Analyste-conseil (statistiques), Actuariat
télephone            : (418) 835-4900 poste (7639)
télecopieur          : (418) 835-6657
courrier électronique: gerald.jean@spgdag.ca

"In God we trust all others must bring data"

P.S.  If I am not directing my question to the right list could someone point me towards it.  Thanks