Disk I/O problems

Rolf S. Arvidson rsa4046@ruf.rice.edu
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:12:20 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: Manas Ranjan Sahoo <manas@gg.iitkgp.ernet.in>
To: Rolf S. Arvidson <rsa4046@ruf.rice.edu>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: Disk I/O problems

> Hi Rolf
> Thank you for the reply. I figured out later that the ghostscript is
> sending the output to the printer by default and my computer does not have
> a postscript printer installed.  Can I say ghostscript to make a *.ps file
> and not to send it to a printer ? If so how ?

Manas --
Are you sure you're not confusing ghostscript and dvips? (La)TeX produces a
.dvi file, which is then used as an input file for dvips.
Ghostscript/ghostview are used to view and print postscript files on
non-postscript devices. The output dvips produces depends on the "o" entry
in the file $TEXMFMAIN/dvips/config/config.ps. For example, the entry

o |lpr

will by default try to send output to the default lp on unix systems, but
probably fail on Win95/98/NT systems. If you comment out this line, i.e.,

%o |lpr

then dvips will send the output to a file (e.g., test.dvi produces test.ps).
Alternatively, changing the entry to the following (spaces here are
significant, and obviously your path will probably differ)

o |d:/gstools/gs5.50/gswin32c.exe -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=mswinpr2 -

will pipe the dvips postscript output through ghostscript and print to the
default Windows printer, which does not have to be postscript. If you have
ghostscript/ghostview correctly installed, you can print to any number of
non-postscript printers.

> Now the second problem is : If the *.eps files are compatible with the PDF
> format files ? While compiling with PDFLATEX the eps files are being
> ignored as NON_PDF specials. Is there any way out. I have an awesome 600
> figures to put in my thesis and to converting them means I have to start
> from the scratch again ?

I don't think your .eps files are compatible with pdflatex (does anyone else
have input on this?), but can be converted to .png (or other compatible
formats). Study the pdftex manual $TEXMFMAIN\doc\pdftex\base\pdftexman.pdf
and example file for directions. Good luck!

Rolf S. Arvidson
Geology & Geophysics MS126
Rice University
6100 Main Street
Houston TX 77005-1892
