fptex 0.3beta2

Fabrice POPINEAU popineau@ese-metz.fr
08 Mar 1999 11:44:44 +0100

The first 2betas have proved to be buggy. This time, I have checked
against w95, w98 and NT that the installation will go right from begining
to end. Hope I'm right.

Minor glitches during installation :

- setup does not wait for winedt to install before continuing. I will
fix that, but in the mean time, please, switch to winedt setup before
going on fptex setup.
- if you have no HOME variable set and ask for a $HOME/texmf tree,
mktexlsr says that /texmf does not exist (and it is right !). 
- I don't know why windvi icons are not attached to dvi files, albeit
clicking on dvi files will make them open through windvi (the
"dvifile\\defaulticon" key is set, but ... )

Windvi is able on a clean machine to run and display
texmf/doc/windvi/examples/wtest.dvi . It should even be able to print
it, but I have not tried to do so.

Since distributing a single .exe requires the user to unpackit, and
use twice the disk space, this time I'm providing a directory with
several files :


Thanks for your (useful) reports,
