Re[2]: Adding local texmf tree

Roman Belenov Roman Belenov <>
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 15:23:20 +0400

Hello Joes,

JS> Now open this file in an editor.
JS> Look for the variable HOMETEXMF and make it equal to
JS> $HOME/texmf (supposed that you have a HOME variable).
JS> Then take care that the variable TEXMF looks like

I  prefer doing it via environment variables because I want to be able
to  kill  main  texmf  tree  and install new version without having to
modify it.

JS> P.S. Why did you not download the complet fpTeX with installation
JS>      shield?

Because  I've already downloaded teTeX distribution and didn't want to
downloaded  the  same texmf tree again - the difference between binary
only and InstallShield distributions is about 50M.

Best regards,