fptex-0.3, final (?)

Bob Howlett bobh@maths.usyd.edu.au
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 18:02:44 +1000

I wrote:
> A windvi question:
> I have the University of Sydney crest as an eps file,
> and it forms part of our the letterhead. I have placed
> it in a directory which is included in TEXPSHEADERS,
> and dvips finds it OK. However, windvi does not.
> So it seems I have to put a copy of the eps file in the
> directory my letters are, or else give the complete
> path for the location of the eps file.
> Can windvi be persuaded to look for postscript files?
> Bob Howlett

Fabrice told me that it should work, and I've got it
working now. But I don't understand it fully.

It appears that windvi searches in TEXINPUTS rather than
TEXPSHEADERS -- but I thought I had things set up so that
both these variables included the directory containing
the eps file.
I had changed a line in texmf.cnf from
TEXINPUTS.tex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.tex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//;$TEXMFLOCAL/input//
and was happy since tex successfully found the local stuff.
But it turns out that kpsewhich and windvi could not find the local
stuff. I surmise that this is something to do with the fact that
TEXMF includes TEXMFLOCAL. Anyway, when I changed it to
TEXINPUTS.tex = .;$TEXMFMAIN/tex/{plain,generic,}//;$TEXMFLOCAL/input//
then windvi and kpsewhich became happy.

The moral is clearly that I should not have strayed so far from
the default settings.
