mf nowin

Fabrice Popineau
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 15:54:43 +0100

Is there any interest in having a 'no window' version of mf.exe ? I'm asking this
because :
- the latest web2c-7.3 allow for building such a version
- I have never had any comment about the window facility embedded in mf.exe :-)
(does it work as expected ?)

Ob news :
I'm currently cleaning up the whole source tree wrt to web2c-7.3beta2 . There should be a
new binary set by the end of the week for testing.
New features considered :
- compiling libwww in my main tree, and add the HTEX feature to windvi (don't expect it to
work quickly !)
- adding emtex specials to windvi
- testing a few ideas for printing from windvi. This is probably the most wanted feature.
