fptex 0.3 beta

Fabrice POPINEAU popineau@ese-metz.fr
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 17:39:29 +0100

... is available from the usual ftp site:


Forgive me, but this is a huge file. I will provide smaller zip files
soo, but I was mainly working on the installer for TeX-Live. As it
will be the same installer, I'd like people to test this in various

There is an option to run in 'debug mode'. The messages will be
meaningful for me in case of problems.

What's in :

- latest tetex-0.9 sources (they are the very same this time)
- latest (?) tetex-0.9 texmf tree
- some bonus : windvi 0.62, ltx2rtf 3.1, jpeg2ps, gzip (added these too
for completeness)

Windvi is not clean enough. It does printing (very slowly if color or
ps) and does hyperlinks. There will be an option to print through

I'm interested in any suggestions,

Have a nice week-end !
