mf nowin

Taco Hoekwater
Mon, 01 Feb 1999 09:36:23 +0000 (/etc/localtime)

>>>>> "Fabrice" == Fabrice Popineau <> writes:

    Fabrice> Is there any interest in having a 'no window' version of
    Fabrice> mf.exe ? I'm asking this because : - the latest web2c-7.3
    Fabrice> allow for building such a version - I have never had any
    Fabrice> comment about the window facility embedded in mf.exe :-)
    Fabrice> (does it work as expected ?)

Yes, it does work as expected. It slows down mf enormously,
though. I'd really welcome an extra 'nowin' version, because the
windows are not really usable for debugging a font (no labels on the
points, you need to run gftodvi to get those) and it would be really
nice if mf could do compile those gf's faster. Minimizing the window
helps a lot, but it's annoying if you have to do that all the time.

It has to be a separate version though, since the MF book says that
there _will_ be an output window if you are on a windowing system.

    Fabrice> Ob news : I'm currently cleaning up the whole source tree
    Fabrice> wrt to web2c-7.3beta2 . There should be a new binary set
    Fabrice> by the end of the week for testing.  

What happened to that line-ending code? 
Does it write Unix style files now or dos-style files?

    Fabrice> New features considered : 

	Fabrice> - compiling libwww in my main tree, and add
    Fabrice> the HTEX feature to windvi (don't expect it to work
    Fabrice> quickly !)  

This sounds nice.

    Fabrice> - adding emtex specials to windvi 

both the emtex and tpic specials are obsolete and non-maintained and
largely undocumented and inprecise. I wouldn't spend time on them,
especially since emtex itself is also no longer maintained (I think
the last fixes to the distrib are from august '96).

Keep up the good work,
