
Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:43:56 +0000 (GMT)

Fabrice POPINEAU writes:
 > - buf_size in texmf.cnf is set to 50000, but when overflowing is
 > reported to be 30000 ? Normal because sup_buf_size is 30000 in tex.ch .
I think I reported something similar a month or two ago. the existence
of those maximums on tex.ch is not very well documented or
understood. we need the list of maximum values in texmf.cnf for all to 

 > (f:/TeX/texmf/tex/latex/misc/psfrag.sty) (test.aux) <psfrag:block1.eps>! Unable
 > to read an entire line---bufsize=30000.
 > Please increase buf_size in texmf.cnf.
 > This is expected (for me !) because the .eps file contains a long
 > binary string, longer than the buf_size, and psfrag reads the file.
looks horrible familiar

 > Without psfrag, this file can't be processed. What's the proper answer 
 > to this problem ? Increase sup_buf_size ? Or is there any other hack ?

convert the EPS file to have better line-endings in? is that binary section
*really* binary? get it re-exported as non-binary PS?

then again i think psfrag is a very clever, but ultimately unwise,
tool to use....
