wish list

Erik Frambach E.H.M.Frambach@eco.rug.nl
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 12:18:26 +0100

> > > This only happens in pseudocolor mode, btw.
> > 
> > Do you mean in 256 color mode ?
> Yes, but I have to rephrase myself: It is worst in *256* color mode.
> Erik's problem happens to me too, but in 16-bit colors it does not go
> wrong as often/as noticeable.

I use 24-bits colors and maybe I should explain that the problem is
that probably screen updates are wrong. A word that should have been
\Red now becomes black, or even in the middle of a word the color
changes to one of the others I used somewhere else. Non-colored (black)
text becomes \Red, \Green or whatever. The looking glass can display 
different colors than the underying display! Reloading the dvi file cures 
the errors, at least for a little while...
