[Fontinst] kerns for digits

Walter Schmidt w.a.schmidt at gmx.net
Fri Aug 5 17:52:51 CEST 2005

Thanh Han The schrieb:

> thanks for the hint. btw, the urw fonts contains more kerns
> for digits than just the "11" kern.

The metrics and VFs in the PSNFSS bundle were generated using
_Adobe's_ AFMs.

> Encoding files for use with afm2tfm/pdftex/dvips like ec.enc  or
> dc.enc have instructions like
> % LIGKERN space {} * ; * {} space ; zero {} * ; * {} zero ;
> % LIGKERN one {} * ; * {} one ; two {} * ; * {} two ;
> % LIGKERN three {} * ; * {} three ; four {} * ; * {} four ;
> % LIGKERN five {} * ; * {} five ; six {} * ; * {} six ;
> % LIGKERN seven {} * ; * {} seven ; eight {} * ; * {} eight ;
> % LIGKERN nine {} * ; * {} nine ;
> to throw away kerns for digits and space. 

[btw, neither pdfTeX nor dvips evaluate these instructions.]

> So I looked for
> some similar code in fontinst but couldn't find any.

As I've pointed out, kerning data for digits must not be removed
_generally_.  That's why this code is not part of (new)latin.mtx.
When I consider corrections to the orginal kerning tables as
necessary in a particular case, I put appropriate instructions
into a separate .mtx file, which will  be input in addition to
latin.mtx or newlatin.mtx.


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