[Fontinst] title graphic

Stephan Hennig mailing_list at arcor.de
Wed Jun 22 18:22:55 CEST 2005

Ralf Stubner schrieb:
> Stephan Hennig wrote:
>> With boxed.mp the file size of the postscript output halved. Though, the
>> pdf output generated by mptopdf is still ca. 20kB large as opposed to
>> 5kB of the original.

I think I have to correct myself first: there seems not to be a pdf
original. I think I must have converted roadmap.pdf from the eps
original by myself, probably with epstopdf, and then forgot. And as Lars
wrote, the manual uses the eps file only.

>> (However, when I convert the eps with epstopdf it's
>> file size drops down to 6kB. I'm now wondering what's the difference
>> between both tools.)
> mptopdf probably uses pdftex, whereas epstopdf uses GhostScript. pdftex
> embeds the fonts in Type1 format, whereas GhostScript uses the
> significantly smaller Type1C/CFF format.

If epstopdf embeds fonts at all. pdffonts shows the following
information on the file converted by epstopdf:

>pdffonts rm-epstopdf.pdf
name                                 type         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- ---------
Helvetica                            Type 1       no  no  no       8  0
ILYCII+Palatino-Italic               Type 1C      yes yes no      10  0

Thanks for the explanation!

>> [1] Which leads me to the question: how do I set up my environment to
>> use Adobe's original fonts in LaTeX, pdfLaTeX and MetaPost?
> updmap.cfg on teTeX has the follwoing switch, with which you can choose
> which set of PostScript fonts to use:
> #
> # LW35
> #
> Does MikTeX provide something similar?

Yes, and it perfectly works for Times, Helvetica and Courier. However,
when I try to build a document using Palatino pdflatex complains about
some missing font files:

Warning: pdflatex (file por_____.pfb): cannot open Type 1 font file for
Warning: pdflatex (file pob_____.pfb): cannot open Type 1 font file for

On the resulting file pdffonts shows:
name                                 type         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- ---------
Palatino-Bold                        Type 1       no  no  no       6  0
Palatino-Roman                       Type 1       no  no  no       9  0

So the font isn't embedded and AR7 uses Adobe Serif MM to render the
text (ignoring some font attributes such es bold series). Where could I
get the correct files? Copying and renaming the files
from ghostscript worked, but then again AR7 shows "URWPalladioL" instead
of something like "Palatino-Roman". As can be seen above, epstopdf _can_
embed a font that's called Palatino. If that is of comparable quality to
URWPalladio (Is hinting an issue?) I'd like to use that with LaTeX. Is
that possible? (The problem is co-workers here, which do not necessarily
know much about fonts, are skeptical about URWNimbusSanL, URWPalladioL
etc. and want to see the "original" Helvetica and Palatino were used.)

Stephan Hennig

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