[Fontinst] Bug in fontinst 1.929?

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Jun 2 17:15:39 CEST 2005


During working on this set of instructions for a directly 8r encoded PS 

	%% Here are the the slanted alternates:
	  \transformfont{fc0ro8r}{\slantfont{\int{slant}} {\fromafm{fc0r8r}}}
	  \transformfont{fc0ro8p}{\slantfont{\int{slant}} {\fromafm{fc0r8p}}}
	  \transformfont{fc0ro9z}{\slantfont{\int{slant}} {\fromafm{fc0r9z}}}
	  \installfont  {fc0r7t}    {fc0r8r,fc0r8p,fc0r9z,newlatin}            
{ot1tt} {OT1}{fc0}{m}{n}{}
	  \installfont  {fc0rc7t}   {fc0r8r,fc0r8p,fc0r9z,newlatin}            
	  \installfont  {fc0ro7t}{fc0ro8r,fc0ro8p,fc0ro9z,newlatin option 
	 \installfamily{T1} {fc0}{}
	  \installfont  {fc0r8t}    {fc0r8r,fc0r8p,fc0r9z,newlatin}            
  {t1}    {T1}{fc0}{m}{n}{}
	  \installfont  {fc0rc8t}   {fc0r8r,fc0r8p,fc0r9z,newlatin}            
  {t1c}   {T1}{fc0}{m}{sc}{}
	  \installfont  {fc0ro8t}{fc0ro8r,fc0ro8p,fc0ro9z,newlatin option 
nosc} {t1}    {T1}{fc0}{m}{sl}{}
	  \installfont  {fc0r8c}    {fc0r8r,fc0r8p,fc0r9z,textcomp}            
{ts1}   {TS1}{fc0}{m}{n}{}
	  \installfont  {fc0ro8c}{fc0ro8r,fc0ro8p,fc0ro9z,textcomp}            
{ts1i}  {TS1}{fc0}{m}{sl}{}

I get these records for a map file:


But the map file only contains:

	fc0r8p Code2000 <fc0r8p.pfb
	fc0r8r Code2000 <fc0r8r.pfb
	fc0ro8p Code2000 <fc0r8p.pfb " 0.175 SlantFont "
	fc0ro8r Code2000 <fc0r8r.pfb " 0.175 SlantFont "

To get as much glyphs as possible from the TrueType font I dump part of 
its contents directly into an 8r encoded PS font. To further save as 
many glyphs as possible I prepared an 8p encoding vector to contain 
lots of usually in 8x encoded glyphs, many coming from the Private Use 
Area of an Unicode encoded font. There too dotless j can be found, on 
different places, so my encoding has a few slots for dotless j. With 
James Kass' Code200x fonts it now happens that these dotless j slots 
get filled with other glyphs -- and my Perl script to adapt a glyph 
names scheme like 'uniABCD' to the usual fontinst names now fails a bit 
by making the AFM files cheat they would have a few dotless j. So that 
glyph is not taken from the fc0r9z/fc0ro9z fonts -- can this be the 
reason that fontinst refuses to add this into the mapfile?

	fc0r9z Code2000LCDFJ <fc0r9z.pfb
	fc0ro9z Code2000LCDFJ <fc0ro9z.pfb "0.175 SlantFont"



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