[Fontinst] Mantinia
Adrian Heathcote
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 15:48:31 +1100
Thanks Philipp and Lars
With your assistance I have been able to get most of the way. I went
back to Alan H's manx file which saves glyphs under more appropriate
names. I then tried to run it in place of my own---thinking that the
encoding was not relevant in the way I had initially thought. It was
processed, except in two places. Substituting in for the fi and fl
glyphs worked. With that change the file ran and produced (roughly)
correct output. But not all glyphs are where they should be and so the
special ligatures
the tall I
are not in the print outs. Other glyphs get substituted. So it looks as
though the glyphs are not exactly where they are in the Windows
distribution---which is what Alan used.
So my question is: can I find out by some method---I guess by reverse
engineering---where these missing glyphs are? I know the key strokes
that produce them. So, for example, VI is produced by shift-option-v in
the standard Mac program. But that ought to be slot 215: lozenge. But
fontinst chokes when I substitute lozenge into the \saveglyphas{}{}
(first) slot. And when I look at the afm of another font, with Adobe
Standard Encoding, slot 215 seems not to exist at all.
I'm stumped. Any assistance gratefully accepted.
Adrian Heathcote