Encoding for SC-fonts

Christian H. Kuhn kuhn@silchem.uni-wuerzburg.de
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 11:07:09 +0100

Hi all,

When using \latinfamily{fgmx}, fontinst produces for the SC-fonts 
virtual fonts with 9t/9e-encoding. For several reasons, i can't use 
\latinfamily, and i have to do everything by \installfont. But i do 
not understand why i should name the virtual SC-fonts as expertised 
fonts. I have no fgmrc8x, only fgmrc8a, the use of fgmr8x to 
complete fgmrc8a is not a good idea,, so i think the virtual fonts 
should be named fgmrc7t/8t. Do the fgmrc9t/9e produced by 
\latinfamily differ from the virtual fonts produced by


Or is there any completion to the mtx-list in the above example, 
that causes the naming as expertised font?

Kind regards,
Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Lehrstuhl für Silicatchemie
Röntgenring 11                       Tel. +49-931-31-2454
97070 Würzburg                       Fax  +49-931-31-2109