problem with fontinst

Han The Thanh
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 14:54:04 +0200

> I am trying to make a t1-encoded font using fontinst like following:
> ==================== cut here ==========================
> \input fontinst.sty
> \def\mkfont#1{
>     \transformfont{#18r}{\reencodefont{8r}{\fromafm{#1}}}
>     \installfont{#18t}{#18r,latin}{t1}{T1}{}{}{}{}
> }
> \installfonts
> \mkfont{test}
> \endinstallfonts
> \bye
> ==================== cut here ==========================
> where test.afm is a copy of the font URWGothicL-Book from URW++. This seems
> to be trivial, however I got a file test8t.vpl where some characters are
> simply empty (eg Ccaron). Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?
> I am using the latest fontinst (1.914) with the patch posted here recently.

I tested again with the official release of fontinst (1.801), this fixed
the problem. Unfortunately I have been using v. 1.914 and some my macros don't
work with v. 1.801. 
