[biblio] Biblatex MHRA style

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Sun Feb 26 21:00:47 CET 2012

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On 26/02/2012 14:33, Chris Yocum wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I was pointed here from the main Texhax list.  I have been attempting
> to write a biblatex style for MHRA (used in the UK;
> http://www.mhra.org.uk/ the style guide is on the right hand side of
> the page) but mostly failing.  I was hoping for someone more
> knowledgeable about these matters to offer some advice.
> Mostly, I just seems that I am doing lots of typing to get it to work
> when I don't see other biblatex styles doing the same kind of thing.
> I have the code on github (https://github.com/cyocum/biblatex-mhra)
> and I would be very grateful for any expert advice.
> Thanks!,
> Chris Yocum

As a general approach, I'd start from the standard drivers, so just load
the 'best choice' one. Then make a test .bib file, one entry type at a
time, and start by copying the appropriate driver code your 'new' .cbx
file. Make a test .tex file, then work slowly, changing only what you
have to.

I'd use standard.bbx, biblatex.def and so on as references. I notice
that you've not got the required "%" in your files, for example, so you
are adding spaces you don't want. You probably want to check first that
you can't modify a bibmacro or some setting before you alter any part of
the driver itself. It's amazing how much you can achieve by altering the
auxiliaries: this helps as it propagates.

This is the approach I've taken for my biblatex styles, which are
probably a lot easier to set up than humanities ones.
- -- 
Joseph Wright
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