[accessibility] Current packages and methods of generating tagged PDF from LaTeX
Mireia Isabel Ribera Turro
ribera at ub.edu
Fri Jun 28 19:14:48 CEST 2019
Hi everybody,
even though PDF/UA standard and PDF itself offers a wealth of
possibilities, as I already suggested before in this same list, I insist
that from an accessibility standpoint the format of choice should be EPUB3
There is a lot of work being done behind EPUB3 to ensure its
accessibility and standardization (Daisy Consortium signed an agreement
with IDPF to promote it as the main standard for accessibility), and it
can include MathML, SVG, synchronized audio... additionally there is the
Readium EPUB reader which fulfills many reading needs set by assistive
technologies and different user profiles.
EPUB3, such as DTBook before it, could be the intermediate format for
conversions from and to many other formats, TEX and PDF among them.
I would be glad if TUG initiated a line of work in this direction.
Mireia Ribera
Universitat de Barcelona
El 28/06/2019 a les 18:34, Jason White via accessibility ha escrit:
> From a user’s standpoint, reading the LaTeX source and reading an HTML
> or (in the future, preferably a tagged) PDF rendering are two quite
> distinct activities. It seems to me that there’s a need to support both.
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