[accessibility] Workshop at TUG2018 (20 July), example source TeX documents

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 19:36:58 CEST 2018

Hi Chris

The axessibility package of Sandro Coriasco and Anna Capietto is a welcome
and major addition to LaTeX accessibility resources. I'm delighted that a
way has been found, at the last moment, for them to give a talk on their
package at TUG 2018.

I very much hope that a way can also be found for at least one of the Blind
Math experts to contribute remotely to the workshop "Accessibility
challenges in LaTeX", whose agenda we were discussing. Boris and Ross, is
this something you could look at? Blind math students and teachers use
LaTeX in many situations, including web pages. The experts on that list can
help us develop something that fits in well with all systems that students
(and teachers) wish to use.

I've been a lurker on the BlindMath list for some time. Can I suggest Sara
Kobal, who followed development of axessibility as a tester, and Bill
Dengler, who knows NVDA, which will most likely speak the math in the PDF.
Sarah Jevnikar also seems knowledgeable. And apologies for all the worthy
people on BlindMath that I've missed.

It's not my workshop, and I won't be at Rio. So I pass decisions and
responsibility over to Boris and Ross, if I may.

with best regards


On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 6:36 AM, Christopher Rowley <c.a.rowley at icloud.com>

> > On 11 Jul 2018, at 00:11, Jonathan Fine <jfine2358 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > the non-CTAN LaTeX style files they depend on. I for one hope that he
> can do that soon. This would very much help me contribute (by email) to the
> > accessibility workshop on 20 July.
> But note that the details of these files are not at all relevant to the
> accessibility workshop.
> This workshop will concentrate on what changes are needed to the latex
> core and package files to support distinct aspects of accessibility in pdf
> 1.7, primarily those related to document structure (micro and macro) and
> natural language text.
> Chris
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