[accessibility] At this time, the best way to create an accessible PDF?
Boris Veytsman
borisv at lk.net
Wed Jun 7 16:20:52 CEST 2017
Hi, Tammy
SA> From: "Stitz,Tammy A" <tstitz at uakron.edu>
SA> Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2017 12:50:45 +0000
SA> When I create PDFs to be posted online, I use Adobe Acrobat Pro to
SA> create a tag structure, which I inevitably need to correct. Of
SA> course, Acrobat performs worse when the structure of the document
SA> is complicated. I have noticed that Adobe can perform poorly on
SA> long documents as well, where all theses and dissertations are
SA> long. I thought of using LaTeX to generate my thesis as a test. It
A very good idea. Please share with us your experience!
SA> won't be wasted effort because UA has an institutional repository
SA> and I could post it. I don't think it will be highly popular, but
SA> I will load it...because I can.
In LaTeX the bare bones solution would be \usepackage[a-3b]{pdfx}.
ConTeXt is another option, but I am not very familar with it. The
documetation for pdfx package (texdoc pdfx if you have TeX installed,
http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/pdfx/pdfx.pdf otherwise)
contains a good discussion of the possible ways to make your document
Please feel free to post here any problems or blockers you have: we
will try to help you!
Good luck
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