[twg-tds] [gaulle@idris.fr: a TDS question]

Bernard Gaulle gaulle at idris.fr
Tue Jun 24 16:30:17 CEST 2003

Karl Berry writes:
 >     OR better search first <language>/plain.bst.
 > Ok, but where does the algorithm insert the <language>?   Going back to
 > TEXINPUTS, we have (for example):
 > TEXINPUTS.latex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex,generic,}//
 > So we would try
 > ./<language>
 > $TEXMF/tex/latex//<language>

append <language> after // is a little messy.
It could be something like $TEXMF/tex/latex/<language>//
when any variable is set ON in texmf.cnf.

 > And then there's the question of
 > whether to try all the <language>s before the normal directories, 

certainly not, <language> is, at t time, one language_name and only
one. It's a dynamic variable depending of \the\language. 
The question is how to find that name and i'm afraid there is
no way without looking to language.dat when reading fmtutil.cnf.

 > Finally, in the current TeX Live texmf tree, it seems that
 > language-specific files are scattered everywhere ... ?

it-is an argument pro or con?


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