[twg-tds] [gaulle@idris.fr: a TDS question]

Bernard Gaulle gaulle at idris.fr
Mon Jun 23 15:41:40 CEST 2003

Vladimir Volovich writes:
 > "BG" == Bernard Gaulle writes:
 >  >> teTeX has a few non-unique names in texmf/tex. One example is
 >  >> fonttext.cfg: texmf/tex/generic/config/fonttext.cfg
 >  >> texmf/tex/cslatex/fonttext.cfg
 >  BG> right, but this is a format dependant solution. The question i
 >  BG> reported was related to multilingual documents and as such fully
 >  BG> format independant.
 > if you'd like to search file.kbc depending on the current document
 > language, it will require interaction metween macro-layer (to pass the
 > current language name to TeX the program), TeX the program (to pass
 > the language name to kpathsea), and kpathsea. Since it's unlikely that
 > TeX will be changed, it will unlikely be implemented. 

when i started to work with multilingual documents nothing was
imaginable, there was no \language cs in TeX. Later, before Babel
there was no language switching mechanism except mine. So let me
be optimistic.

Thru fmtutil.cnf one can search files in paths related to the format;
     this is the goal of TEXINPUTS.format_name lines.
Thru fmtutil.cnf and language.dat one knows which languages are 
     defaultly loaded. Why not have a language.cnf file allowing
     to set TEXINPUTS.language_name definition lines? 
It could allow to search files in paths related to the current language.

Is that really impossible?


PS: i used the example of linguistic keyboards but everyone knows
    the same pb exist with bibliographic styles, and more generally
    with document styles/classes.

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