ltx2texi.el (was Texinfo/Info/HTML version)

Ulrik Vieth
Mon, 11 Nov 1996 16:37:44 +0100

>     This version now does about 98% of the conversion automatically
>     (including the header, nodes and menus).  In the end, it leaves

> Do you remember what it does *not* do?
> I guess I'll find out :-).

Sorry, I can't remember.  It's been too long ago.  Apart from that
I'm not sure which version you're referring to.

> I plan to make another draft as soon as I can figure out the conversion.

> BTW, since it's really only for the TDS, why don't we call it tds2texi?
> OK?

Yes, actually, I did rename it to tds2texi.el before I submitted it 
to Sebastian for inclusion on the TeX Live CD.  Just have a look at 
the CD.  That should be the latest version I worked on, I believe.

Cheers, Ulrik.

Appended below are the "Commentary" headers from the latest version:

;;; tds2texi.el --- convert TDS draft from LaTeX to Texinfo

;; Copyright (C) 1996 Ulrik Vieth and the TeX Users Group.

;; Author: Ulrik Vieth <>
;; Maintainer: UV
;; Version: 1.0
;; Keywords: TDS, LaTeX, Texinfo, Info, HTML, tex, maint

;;; This file is *not* part of GNU Emacs.

;;; Commentary:

;; Description:
;; This file provides a limited LaTeX-to-Texinfo conversion function
;; `tds2texi-convert' which is primarily intended to convert the LaTeX
;; source of the TDS draft document `tds.tex' that uses a couple of
;; special markup tags defined in the doucment class `tdsguide.cls'.
;; It is definitely *not* suitable to be used as a general-purpose
;; LaTeX-to-TeXinfo converter and is not intended to be used as such.

;; Usage:
;; 0. load or autoload this file, e.g: (load-library "tds2texi")
;; 1. go to a directory containing `tds.tex', e.g. in dired mode
;; 2. run M-x tds2texi-convert -- this does all the conversion and
;;    leaves you in a buffer `tds.texi' containing the converted file
;; 3. edit the buffer if necessary and save it -- you will be asked
;;    for a file name (which should be `tds.texi', of course)
;; 4. run M-x makeinfo-buffer or invoke makeinfo and/or texi2html
;;    from the shell -- don't try texi2dvi, it may work all right,
;;    but it's not recommended since it will only cause confusion
;;    with the DVI file created from the original LaTeX source!

;; Bugs:
;; * whitespace (esp. blank lines) before and after environments
;;   will be inconsistent (should be fixed in the LaTeX version!)
;; * whitespace (esp. indentation) in tdsSummary environments
;;   will be inconsistent (should be fixed in the LaTeX version!)
;; * labels are references are assumed to coincide with names
;;   of @nodes -- this is not always true, e.g. for MF vs. \MF{}
;; * the last comma in the list of contributors should be a period
;; * the list of contributors should be handled in a better way
;;   (currently: LaTeX tabbing -> @quotation -> HTML <blockquote>)
;; * the contents of the top node may get lost in the texi2html
;;   conversion under some circumstances, or else it may end up
;;   in the wrong split file -- this seems to be a texi2html bug

;; History:
;; v 0.0 -- 1996/01/23  UV  created
;; v 0.1 -- 1996/01/24  UV  first rough version, posted to twg-tds
;; v 0.2 -- 1996/01/24  UV  added some commentary and doc strings
;; v 0.3 -- 1996/01/25  UV  modularized code, handle header and trailer,
;;                          call texinfo routines for @nodes and @menus
;; v 0.4 -- 1996/01/27  UV  slightly touched-up and some doc fixes,
;;                          improved handling of legalnotice header 
;; v 0.5 -- 1996/01/28  UV  more documentation added, code freeze
;; v 1.0 -- 1996/02/20  UV  renamed to tds2texi, bumped version number,
;;                          also fixed a minor typo in "@item samp"