plethora of filetypes

K. Berry
Thu, 30 May 1996 13:52:19 -0400

I don't know how much effort we should expend on making a tds 1.0
document, but anyway, here's a filetype glossary courtesy of Rocky
Bernstein that we could maybe adapt. I wanted to get it into the light
of day before I forgot, anyway.


      % We're going to use \underline a lot in this environment, so we
      % define a short abbreviation for it: \. This is already
      % defined in LaTeX as an overdot accent, but we're not going to need
      % that inside this environment. Because this definition is done 
      % inside an environment the definition is local to this list
      % environment only. Thus \. outside does act like an accent, should
      % we need them elsewhere.
      % Also note that `\.abc' puts the underline under the `a' and
      % not `abc', because parameter of \. is the next single token which
      % is `a'. We make use of this fact to make things neater.
      % Occasionally we need to make use of the \vphantom trick to
      % get underbars to line up correctly across letters. This is
      % described in Appendix A of the TeX book, the answer to 18.26.
\begin{ttlist}{{\tt list38pp}}
      Input by {\tt afm2tfm} to be convert to a {\TeX} font
      metric (\tfm); output by the Adobe Type 1 Font Manager or
      whatever program was used to create the Adobe font.
      An \.{A}dobe \.{f}ont \.{m}etric. 
      Input and output by {\LaTeX}.
      An ``\.{aux}iliary'' text file for {\LaTeX}'s for cross
      references. The \LTEXCMDINDE{cite}, \LTEXCMDINDE{ref}, and
      \LTEXCMDINDE{pageref} commands refer to entries defined in this file.
      these. Sectioning commands like \LTEXCMDINDE{chapter},
      \LTEXCMDINDE{section}, or \LTEXCMDINDE{label},
      write to this file. {\BibTeX} also inputs
      this file to extract the entries written by the
      \LTEXCMDINDE{cite}, \LTEXCMDINDE{nocite}, and 
      \LTEXCMDIND{bibliographystyle} {\tt \BS bib\-lio\-graphy\-style}
      For more information, see Section~C.10.1 of the {\lrm}.
      Output by {\BibTeX} and input by some flavor of
      {\LaTeX} or {\eplain}. A text file containing a
      {\BibTeX}-formated \.bi\.b\-li\-og\-ra\-phy 
      \.list of citations. This is derived from the
      information in the {\tt aux} file. It is input via
      the {\LaTeX}/{\eplain} \LTEXCMDINDE{bibliography}
      command.  For more information, see section C.10.1 of the \lrm.
     Input by {\BibTeX}; written by authors. A text file containing
     a \.{bib}\-li\-og\-ra\-phic database of reference 
     materials such as manuals, books, articles, proceedings.
     Output by {\BibTeX} and read by humans when
     {\BibTeX} fails. {\BibTeX}'s 
     \.{\vphantom{g}b}ibliograpic \.{\vphantom{g}l}o\.{g} file. See
     also the entries for ``{\tt log}'' and ``{\tt ilg}.''
     Input by {\BibTeX}; read and written by bibliographic
     style-designers. A \.bibliographic \.{st}yle format
     dictating to {\BibTeX} how to format the entries in the
     {\tt bib} file. See Section \refon{sec:bst} for a 
     list of bibliographic styles.
     Output by {\TeX} in its {\texinfo} flavor and input by {\texindex}. This text file
     contains the entries of a {\texinfo} \.{\vphantom{p}c}once\.pt index.
     See Section 15.4 of the {\texinfo} reference manual  \cite{man:texinfo}.
     Input by {\TeX} in its {\texinfo} flavor and output by {\texindex}. This text
     file contains the index entries sorted and prepared
     for {\TeX} input. The output of a {\texindex} file
     has an `s' appended to the name of the input file.
     Input by {\tt docstrip}; read and written by 
     {\LaTeX} style designers (and other users when the
     need arises). If the filetype is renamed to
     {\tt sty}, it could also be input by {\LaTeX},
     albeit more slowly than if the comments were removed
     by {\tt docstrip}. This text file is 
     commented, \.{doc}umented or 
     ``readable'' {\LaTeX} document style or document-style option.
     Input by {\dvi} conversion programs (e.g. {\dvips}) or
     {\dvi}-to-{\dvi} converters (like {\dvicopy}), 
     {\dvi} previewers (like {\xdvi}), and 
     miscellaneous, utility routines (like
     \CMDINDE{dvitype}). It is usually first output by
     {\TeX}, but other packages can produce this too;
     notable cases include \CMDINDE{gftodvi} and \CMDINDE{grodvi}, 
     the latter is part of the \INDE{Free Software Foundation}'s 
     \CMDINDE{groff} package. A {\dvi} file
     contains \.de\.vice
     \.independent page-description commands. In
     this respect it is similar to a {\tt ps} file containing
     {\Ps} commands, or a {\tt list3820} containing AFPDS commands.
     The output is in a form that is
     independent of any particular output device, even
     more so that a {\Ps} file.
     Text file containining index entries of a {\texinfo}
     function index. See {\tt cp}.
     Text file containining function index entries of a  {\texinfo} file
     sorted and ready for inclusion into the index. See {\tt cp}.
     Input by the 3812-compatible (PMP) printers.
     Output by {\mf} conversion programs on VM/CMS.
     Contains the rasters of a font for these printers.
     Input by the 3820-compatible or AFPDS printers.
     Written by {\mf} conversion programs on VM/CMS.
     Contains the rasters of a font for these printers.
     Output by {\mf}; input by some of the {\dvi}-previewers (like
     \CMDINDE{xdvi}, some of the {\dvi}-converters (like
     {\dvips}) when a {\tt pk} font file is not available),
     and utility programs (like \CMDINDE{gftopk}).
     Contains a ``{\.{g}eneric \.{\vphantom{g}f}ont.'' 
     See Appendix~G of {\sl The \mf book} \cite{book:mfbook}}.
     Input and output by {\LaTeX}. 
     A text file containing ``\.{glo}ssary'' commands.
     The \LTEXCMDIND{glossary}{\tt \BS gloss\-ary} commands add
     \LTEXCMDINDE{glossaryentry} lines to this file and
     the \LTEXCMDIND{makeglossary}{\tt \BS make\-glossary} command causes this
     file to be read in.
     For more information, see Section~C.10.1 of the \lrm.
     Output by {\LaTeX} and input by {\MakeIndex}. A text file containing 
     commands. The \LTEXCMDINDE{index} command causes entries
     to this file to be output.
  \item[ilg]      Output by {\MakeIndex} and read by authors when
                  {\MakeIndex} fails. {\MakeIndex}'s 
                  \.{\vphantom{g}i}ndex \.{\vphantom{g}l}o\.{g} file.
                  See Section 3 of The
                  {\MakeIndex} manual \cite{man:MakeIndex}.
  \item[ind]      Output by {\MakeIndex} and input by {\LaTeX}.
                  A text file containing the sorted and processed
                  entries \.{ind}ex entries. See Section 3 of The
                  {\MakeIndex} manual \cite{man:MakeIndex}.
  \item[ky]       Output by {\texinfo} and input by {\texindex}.
                  A text file containining index entries of a {\texinfo}
                  \.{\vphantom{y}k}e\.y index. See {\tt cp}.
  \item[kys]      Output by {\texindex} and input by {\texinfo}.
                  A text file containing 
                  \.{\vphantom{y}k}e\.y index entries which have
                  been \.{\vphantom{y}s}orted and are 
                  and ready for inclusion into the 
                  index by {\texinfo}. See {\tt cp}.
  \item[latex]    A {\LaTeX} source file.
  \item[ltx]      A {\LaTeX} source file. The three-letter file
                  extension facilitates portability between DOS and
                  OS/2 filesystems (that don't use the newer HPFS).
  \item[mf]       A {\mf} source file. Read by {\mf} and
  \item[lab] List of label references for use by the {\tt lablst} programs.
     Written by {\dvilist} and read by one of the print
     commands such as {\tt out} or {\tt prt}.
     A file which is ready to be sent to a printer
     understanding this kind of AFPDS format.
     The filename inventors who created this
     name (as well as {\tt font3820}, and {\tt font3812})
     did not have much forethought. Even though these name 
     have vestiges of specific IBM printers, these file formats are for a 
     {\em generic\/} class of printers. To make things worse, some of
     the older IBM 3820 printers do {\em not\/} understand the full AFPDS
     (or {\tt LIST3820} command language.
     Input and output by {\LaTeX}. A text file containing 
     a ``\.list \.of \.figures.'' 
     For more information, see Section~C.10.1 of the \lrm.
     Output by {\TeX} and read by humans\footnote{perhaps
     first pre-processed in a text-editor macro as in the case of {\tt
     auc-tex}'s {\tt TeX-next-error} macro} when something goes wrong.
     On VM/CMS the filetype {\tt texlog} is used instead.
     A text file where error messages and
     warnings from the {\TeX} run are \.{log}ged.
     Input and output by {\LaTeX}. A text file containing
     a ``\.{l}ist \.{o}f \.{t}ables.''
     For more information, see Section~C.10.1 of the \lrm.
     Text file containining index entries of a {\texinfo}
     \.{\vphantom{g}p}ro\.{\vphantom{p}g}ram index. See {\tt cp}.
    Text file containining program index entries of a {\texinfo} file
    sorted and ready for inclusion into the index. See {\tt cp}.
  \item[pk]  Input by {\dvi}-conversion programs such as {\dvips}.
             Output by {\tt gftopk} and some graphics programs.
             A {\mf}-created font in a \.pac\.{\vphantom{p}k}ed format 
             invented by \NAMEINDE{Tomas}{Rokicki}. For a complete
             description of this format, see~\cite{tug:pk}.
  \item[pl]  Output by \CMDINDE{tftopl} and input by \CMDINDE{pltotf}
             and read by font hackers.
             A human-readible format of a {\tfm} file 
             (\.property \.{\vphantom{p}l}ist).
             It may be edited to create or modify {\tfm} files.
  \item[pfb] Input but {\Ps} devices. Output by the Adobe Type Manager.
             {\Ps} Type 1 font program.
  \item[pxl] An obsolete compressed form of {\tt pk}. See the entry
             {\tt pk} entry. For a complete description of this format,
  \item[sty] Input by {\LaTeX}; output by \CMDINDE{docstrip}, {\LaTeX}
             style designers, or style-option designers. (Also read by the
             style designers and others on occasion when 
             no {\tt doc} version is around.)
             A document or document \.{sty}le
             option which dictates to {\LaTeX} how to do the layout
             of the document.
  \item[tex] Input by {\TeX}; output by {\tt weave}, something-to-{\TeX}
             converters, (like \CMDINDE{tr2tex}) and authors.
             A {\TeX} text file of some sort. 
             It is frequently used in places that
             {\tt latex}, {\tt slitex}, {\tt sty}, or {\tt doc}, 
             filetypes might be more appropriate. That is either, a {\LaTeX},
             {\FoilTeX}, {\AmSLaTeX}, ... source file that is to be
             fed into one of the flavors of {\TeX}.
             The main reason this filetype seems to be in widespread
             misuse (for example this file has extension {\tt tex}), is 
             because when {\TeX} asks for input, the \verb|tex| extension is
             automatically appended when none is given. Furthermore,
             if another extension is given {\LaTeX} may add its
             extension in addition rather than instead of yours when 
             writing its files. On the DOS and non-HPSF OS/2 files
             systems (these only allow 3-character file extensions),
             the extension is truncated at 3 characters which can
             be disasterous! In particular, your file my be overwritten by 
             {\LaTeX} in writing any one of its auxilliary files.
             However we recommend that in cases where it is possible to
             be more precise about the type of file used, you do so.
             Also it is helpful to clearly mark at the top of
             the file what format is used and how to process the file.
  \item[texlog] VM/CMS only. See {\tt log}.
  \item[texi] A {\tt \.{texi}nfo} source file.
  \item[tfm] \FIND{tfm}{\tfm} Input by {\TeX}, {\em any}
             {\dvi}-processor; output by {\mf}, 
             and font-con\-version utilities like and \CMDINDE{pltotf} or
             \CMDINDE{afm2tfm}.  A ``
             {\.T\kern -.1667em\lower .5ex\hbox {E}\kern -.125emX}
             \.Font \.Metric'' file containing
             information about the font such as its bounding box,
             character encoding, or how pairs of glyphs kern and form ligatures.
  \item[toc] Input and output by {\LaTeX}.
             A text file containing a \.table \.of \.contents.
             For more information, see Section~C.10.1 of the \lrm.
  \item[vf] Input by the newer {\dvi} converters such as {\dvips} and
            some utility programs like \CMDINDE{vftovp};
            output by \CMDINDE{vptovf}. A ``\.virtual \.font'' metric
            file. For a complete description, see~\cite{tug:vf}.
  \item[vp] Output by \CMDINDE{vftovp} and input by \CMDINDE{vptovf}.
            A human-readible format of a \.{\vphantom{p}v}irtual-font 
            \.property list. For a complete description, see~\cite{tug:vf}.
            It may be edited to create or modify virtual fonts.
  \item[vr]  Text file containining index entries of a {\texinfo}
             \.va\.riable index. See {\tt cp}.
  \item[vrs] Text file containining variable index entries of a  {\texinfo} file
             sorted and ready for inclusion into the index. See {\tt cp}.
  \item[web] A ``literate'' source file of many of the {\TeX} system