to tilde or not to tilde

Schneider, Thomas (NIH/NCI) [E] schneidt at
Mon Oct 7 00:23:00 CEST 2019


> My take as a typesetter,

That's what I'm looking for.

> not a mathematician, is that it should only be there if the equation
> is semantically the end of a sentence if you were to read the paper
> aloud. Otherwise it has no business being there.

We agree on that for the period and comma, but the question is about
the tilde.

> If you do use one, then yes, some extra spacing would make it clear
> that it's not part of the equation. But math conventions are arcane,
> so it may be best just to follow the practise of your discipline.

The paper is cross discipline, biology (who have mostly still not
heard of TeX/LaTeX!) and information theory (who have of course).  The
journal (PLOS ONE) doesn't specify anything except that the period or
comma should be inside the equation, which I'm fine with.


  Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
  Senior Investigator
  National Institutes of Health
  National Cancer Institute
  Center for Cancer Research
  RNA Biology Laboratory
  Biological Information Theory Group
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
  schneidt at 

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