[texhax] Mysterious error

Schneider, Thomas (NIH/NCI) [E] schneidt at mail.nih.gov
Wed Feb 27 00:10:38 CET 2019


1.  Every line ends with control-M.  This didn't matter to LaTeX.  I
prefer not to have them since I work on a unix system.

2.  removed unused package that caused a problem:
% \usepackage{lucimatx}

3. Two cases of '\\ \\' - removed the second one in

\lhead{\fancyplain{}{Annual Business Plan: 2019\\Personal Recovery Press, LLC \\ \\ William Lee Valentine\\%
Revision 0: Thursday, 24 January 2019\\Page \thepage}}

That worked.  You can't have two of these in a row.

General method:  chop down your document to the minimum necessary to
reproduce the error.  As in this case, sometimes there are multiple


  Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
  Senior Investigator
  National Institutes of Health
  National Cancer Institute
  Center for Cancer Research
  RNA Biology Laboratory
  Biological Information Theory Group
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
  schneidt at mail.nih.gov

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