Aligning right with epigraph package

Peter Flynn peter at
Tue Apr 30 15:16:32 CEST 2019

On 30/04/2019 13:01, Darío wrote:
> Hello! I am writing  an epigraph and I need that the text is aligned 
> turn right, the problem is that not aligned. My script say:
> \begin{flushright}
> \epigraph{\footnotesize{[\dots] text dots]}}{author and year}

Where do you get this command? Are you using the epigraph package?
Please show us a Minimal Worked Example (see that we can test.

1. The \epigraph command automatically uses flushright — you do not need 
to add it manually.

2. The \footnotesize command is not scoped, so it does not have any 
argument, so you do not put text in curly braces.
But in any case it is not relevant — see the documentation, p.3 for how 
to change size:

\epigraph{[\dots] text\dots}{author and year}

> \end{flushright}
> work fine but not align into right. When I place flushright inside 
> \epigraph{\begin{flushright} ... not compile

You must read the documentation for the epigraph package.

> Also I am surprised when in the next paragraph (out environment 
> epigraph) I need that is in bold, \textbf{text}, and no work, ie:
> \epigraph{text}{text}
> \textbf{text}

If your \epigraph command is failing, then it may affect following 
commands. You need to fix /epigraph first.


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